Graphical Syntax Diagram Editor & Parser Compiler

Graphical Syntax Diagram Editor & Parser Compiler icon

Publisher description

Create and Edit Syntax Diagrams Graphically with Drag and Drop. Convert EBNF, ABNF, XBNF, and XML EBNF to Syntax Diagrams. Generate parsers directly from Syntax Diagrams. Convert Syntax Diagrams to EBNF. Generates Intermediate Postfix Output for ease of integration . Implements streaming LL parser with stop and restart ability . Can Represent Binary Grammar and Parse Binary Signatures. Automated Detection of Direct/Indirect Recursive Terms. Automated Direct Left Recursive Rule Conversion. Automated Common Term and Rule Reduction. Automated insertion of "Repeat 0/1 or More Times". Create Syntax Diagrams with Precedence. Scanner functionality inherent within Virtual Parser/State Engine. Undo/Redo/Cut/Copy/Paste for Graphical and Textual Editing. Real-time Placement and Routing of Rules and Diagrams. Print Syntax Diagrams or Paste into other documents. XML/HTML/PHP: Graphically locate, edit and align elements.

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